(657) 777-3411
Set-Bolt Displacement-Controlled Expansion Anchor Product Description :
The Set-Bolt is a one piece, stud style anchor with an external bottom-bearing expansionplug. It is available in carbon steel for use in concrete, stone and solid masonry units.The design of the Set-Bolt provides an anchor which is ideal for applications in which it isdesirable to minimize the clamping force on a fixture. The nut may be placed on finger tightif required to prevent damage to light duty fixtures such as aluminum extrusions or stonefacades. Jacking or leveling equipment can easily be accomplished with the Set-Bolt.
Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM Approvals) – J.I OK4A9.AHFederal GSA Specification – Meets the proof load requirements of FF-S-325C, Group VIII,Type 2, (superseded) and CID A-A-55614, Type 2.Various North American Departments of Transportation (DOT) – See www.powers.com,including CalTrans listing for “Stud Mechanical Expansion Anchors”
CSI Divisions: 03151-Concrete Anchoring and 05090-Metal Fastenings.Expansion Anchors shall be Set-Bolt as supplied by Powers Fasteners, Inc., Brewster, NY.